YiMei Capital 熠美投资
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YiMei is committed to responsible investing that encourages environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and effective corporate governance. The firm regards responsible investing as an important element of its overall investment approach.

YiMei considers ESG issues in its firm operations, in reviewing investment opportunities, conducting due diligence, in the course of monitoring existing investments, when serving on the boards of its portfolio funds and companies and when making investment in the human capital of its business.

YiMei has formed a partnership with Non-Profit Incubator (NPI), China's leading nonprofit organization who supports social entrepreneurs. In this partnership, YiMei actively supported and participated in NPI's coaching and training programs for private charitable organizations, innovative social enterprises, and corporate social responsibilities.

Most notably, in 2015, YiMei and NPI jointly established one of China's first social impact investment funds. Supporting innovative start-up social enterprises with sustainable business models, the fund aims to provide capital and impart know-how to achieve "double bottomline" in both social impact metrics and financial benchmarks. Recognized for its continuous work on social impact investing, YiMei was awarded "Top Ten Most Socially Responsible Investors" in 2017 by ChinaVenture.

YiMei's founding partner Judy Ye also serves on the board of United Way China.